
发布时间:  2018/01/05     浏览次数:   返回

报告时间:2018-01-09 14:00
报告人:晁栋梁 博士
邀请人:王勇 教授
晁栋梁博士,2013年初开始攻读南洋理工大学博士学位,师从石墨烯专家ZeXiang Shen教授,2016年于加州大学洛杉矶校区进行研究学习,师从国际电池领域代表、Science编辑Bruce Dunn教授,现为南洋理工大学HongJin Fan教授课题组博士后。主要研究方向:碳基柔性储能及先进电极材料与器件。其系列研究结果已成功发表在顶级期刊Nat. Commun.、Adv. Mater.、Nano Lett.、Nano Today、ACS Nano 等上。其博士期间共发表SCI论文40余篇(影响因子10以上20篇),ESI高被引14篇;其中第一作者论文7篇,共同第一作者/指导论文13篇(影响因子10以上12篇);引用2000余次。
Research on deformable and wearable electronics has promoted an increasing demand for next-generation power sources with high energy/power density, low cost, light weight, as well as thin and flexible features. One key challenge in flexible electrochemical energy storage devices lies in the development of reliable electrodes with open-framework material, robust structure, and high performance. 3D array electrode design is hot due to its favorable electrolyte affinity and ions/electrons transportation, but there is disequilibrium where extremely rare reports are available on constructing 3D cathode materials both for application in Li- and Na-ion batteries. Moreover, electrode materials for sodium ion batteries (SIB) are relatively slow-moving compared to those for Li-ion batteries (LIB), because most SIB electrode materials show inferior performance to LIB. Here, we report ingenious approaches for fabrication of 3D array and 2D materials and demonstrate its high-rate capability and long-term rate durability. First principles computational investigation and in situ XRD, Raman observations reveal the working mechanism of the electrode and structure evolution during ions insertion/extraction.
The main research contents of the reporter: 1) Advanced Batteries: Proposed alloying-pseudocapacitance making high capacity and rates compatible; 2) Carbon-based flexible energy storage: Novel 3D graphene based electrodes; 3) 2D layered materials: Ultrathin, mesopores, and defects introduction boost high performance; 4) In-situ Raman: Assembling of in-situ Raman for mechanism study; Current research interests: Advanced carbon-based materials, Na, K, Zn ions, and O2 batteries.



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