Programming Controlled Release of Payloads for Anticorrosion and Drug Delivery

发布时间:  2018/08/13     浏览次数:   返回

报告人:Daniel Crespy副教授
Programing a controlled release from materials is a key aspect in applications such as corrosion protection, drug delivery, and agriculture. Indeed, releasing the right amount of corrosion inhibitors, drug, or fertilizer at the right place and time allows for reduction of maintenance costs and environmental pollution. We explore colloid chemistry and polymer chemistry for the preparation of functional nanomaterials and polymer-conjugates. Polyaniline nanocontainers were found to selectively release self-healing agents in reductive environments. Such nanocontainers could be embedded in anticorrosion coatings for delivering corrosion inhibitors or self-healing agents upon onset of corrosion.
We also synthesized polymers that can release drugs and corrosion inhibitors, contain cleavable thiopropionate linkages, and self-immolative linkers. The release could be triggered by lowering the pH value surrounding the polymers. Moreover, we explore now a novel concept for the release of active agents, in which they are incorporated in the main chain of the polymer and not as side-chain. We implemented this approach for the preparation of polyurethanes and polythioethers.
Daniel Crespy studied chemistry at the University of Strasbourg in France and completed his Ph.D. under the supervision of Professor Katharina Landfester from the University of Ulm in Germany. In 2006, he became a project leader at EMPA (Swiss Federal laboratories for Materials Research and Technology), working on stimuli-responsive textiles. He joined the department of Professor K. Landfester in MPIP (Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany) in July 2009, leading a group dedicated to colloid chemistry with a focus on the fabrication of nanoparticles for anticorrosion and self-healing applications. Daniel Crespy is also now an Associate Professor in the Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC), Thailand.


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