Nanomedicine: Promises, Achievements and Challenges

发布时间:  2018/10/08  滕晓黎   浏览次数:   返回

报告人:Lajos P. Balogh, PhD
Editor-in-Chief, Precision Nanomedicine
(The Official Journal of CLINAM and the International Society of Nanomedicine)

报告时间:2018年10月15日 上午10点


Nanoscience and nanotechnology permit the integration of biological and physical systems, which has both an enormous scientific significance and practical future, especially in the emerging field of nanomedicine. In the next decade, nanomedicine will reform our understanding of biology and transform clinical medicine - it will forever change how we diagnose and treat patients.
Life sciences and healthcare products enabled by nanoscience and technology currently represent a $1 billion plus market, primarily in the fields of medical devices, implants, imaging and diagnostics, with annual markets of many more billions of dollars predicted within ten years. Nanomedicine will change the way pharmaceutical business is done.
Nanoscience have already presented great achievements especially in new formulations, more efficient cancer treatments, rapid wound healing, novel biomaterials, targeted drug delivery, etc. Nanotechnology is also providing great new tools to understand biologic processes better and analyze characteristic fingerprints of conditions much faster that it was ever possible. The general relationship between science, technology, medicine and business are always the same, regardless it is "nano" or not "nano". Apart from the great promises, nanomedicine is developing in a fast paced and multilingual global theater where in the hierarchy of science-engineering-technology-business- and society, the motifs and interests of participants are different. There are several challenges present, especially in the areas of communication (nomenclature and definitions), commercialization (safety, environment, and regulations), standardization, business models, and public policies. Despite of the fact that nanoscience, -engineering and technology is exploding (of which several examples will be given in this talk), current systems are struggling with ways to deal with these rapid developments.
A strategy to accelerate "nano" for medicine and health should reflect health need, technology pull, as well as basic science push. However, whether nanomedicine will reach the clinics and help the public will ultimately depends on whether or not nanomedicine becomes a successful business.



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