Welcome to Small Spaces- Porous Coordination Polymers (PCPs)/ Metal-Organic Frameworks(MOFs) -

发布时间:  2018/10/23  滕晓黎   浏览次数:   返回

报告人:Susumu Kitagawa教授
报告摘要:Materials with nanosized spaces, which are well known as porous materials, are abundant in everyday modern life; they are used for gas storage, separation, and catalysis. One of the earliest historical records of a porous material is noted on papyrus; the record indicates activated carbon was used in medical treatments in ancient Egypt. About 3,000 years later in 1753, a new porous material, zeolite, was discovered in natural ores. Zeolite was successfully synthesized in the first half of the 20th century, and has contributed remarkably to large-scale processes such as in the petroleum industry. The discovery of novel materials with functions superior to activated carbon and zeolite would drastically change human life. However, the synthesis of new porous materials remained stagnant until the early 1990s, when interest in the field first became widespread. Based on the revolutionary concept of bottom-up synthesis, we are now able to successfully develop novel porous materials including everything from serendipitous findings to tailor-made synthesis. These are called "porous coordination polymers" (PCPs) or "metal-organic frameworks" (MOFs), which are comprised of organic and inorganic materials. MOFs have great potential in applications for our immediate surroundings as well as a wide variety of fields, such as the global environment, natural resources, development of outer space, life sciences, and energy, demonstrating their extremely high value both for science and for industry.

Susumu Kitagawa教授,国际著名化学家,日本学士院院士,现任日本京都大学物质-细胞综合系统研究所所长。 Susumu Kitagawa 教授是无机化学领域公认的领军人物,他的主要研究方向是配位化学和多孔材料的合成及功能化学的开拓。自从2000年以来,Susumu Kitagawa教授课题组已经发表论文近500篇,其中包括Science (3篇),Nature (1篇),Nat. Mater. (5篇),Nat. Chem. (3篇)。文章被他引近6万次,H指数超过112。



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