
发布时间:  2019/07/03  许毅   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目:Functional Nanoporous Carbons with Tunable Structures for Capacitive Technologies

报告人: 黄晓丹, 单位: 澳大利亚,昆士兰大学

报告时间: 2019年7月7号上午9点

地点:环化大楼 501

邀请人: 陈双强


Rational design of porous carbon electrodes is critical for the development of capacitive technologies, including electric double layer capacitors (EDLCs) and capacitive deionization (CDI). Ionic liquid based EDLCs using nanoporous carbon as electrodes hold promises for future energy storage devices with high energy density, but their power performances are limited by the high viscosity and large ion size of ionic liquids. Understanding the relationship of the carbon pore size, the ion diffusivity, and the energy/power density is critical for the advancement of ionic liquid based EDLCs. CDI is an emerging technology for the efficient desalination of brackish and saline waters. Owing to the similar electrochemical mechanism of CDI and EDLCs, mesoporous carbons with structural properties favoring high capacitance, such as high surface area, have been extensively used in CDI devices. However, efficient electrosorption in CDI relies on the unimpeded transfer of salt ions from the bulk water to carbon pore surfaces. Improving mesopore accessibility by shortening pore lengths and opening pore apertures is expected to facilitate the ion diffusion and promote the CDI performances. In this talk, we will demonstrate the synthesis of single-layered mesoporous carbon sandwiched graphene nanosheets with tunable mesopore structures and investigate the structure-performance correlations in both EDLC and CDI systems.

Biography 个人简介:

Dr. Xiaodan Huang is an Advanced Queensland Research Fellow at AIBN/UQ. He specializes in electrochemical energy storage and conversion systems, primarily including rechargeable batteries and supercapacitors which are among the leading technologies that have been projected to provide the solution to the complex energy storage gridlock. Dr Xiaodan Huang received his PhD degree in Inorganic Chemistry in 2012 from Fudan University, China. Since receiving his PhD, Dr Huang has worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Technology Sydney and UQ. Dr Huang’s research has been supported by UQ Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, UQ Early Career Researcher Grant, Baosteel-Australia Joint Centre research grant and Advanced Queensland Research Fellowship. Dr Xiaodan Huang has published 60 publications including 1 book chapter, and 59 peer-reviewed journal papers. His works have been cited more than 3000 times with a h-index of 32.

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