The 5th International Symposium on Smart Biomaterials

创建时间:  2017/07/13  王瑶   浏览次数:   返回

The 5th International Symposium on Smart Biomaterials
---the 5th Hoffman Family Symposium
18-20 Oct 2017, Shanghai University
Shanghai, China

The 5th International Symposium on Smart Biomaterials will be held in Shanghai University on 18-20 Oct 2017. It is our great honor to announce that Professor Allan S. Hoffman and his colleagues in the University of Washington will attend this event and give plenary talks regarding the evolution of smart biomaterials. Professor Hoffman also brings an exciting scientific forum "Hoffman Family Symposium (HFS)" to Shanghai.
The Forum of HFS aims to promote the international top technology research and development of biomaterials, especially the innovation of smart biomaterials research and its applications in tissue engineering, gene and drug delivery, tumor imaging and related aspects of applied research etc.
The 1st - 4th International Symposium on Smart Biomaterials were succeeded held in Tsukuba Japan (the 1st and 2nd HFS), Gwangju Korea (the 3rd HFS) and Taiwan China (the 4th HFS), respectively. A great international Hoffman family is growing based on the HFS Forum.
We hope this HFS5 could further enhance the HFS Forum to be a great platform for sharing great ideas and new research achievements in the biomaterials, to be a bridge for building up friendship and collaborated research teams between the members of Hoffman Family in the world, and also to be an accelerator for speeding up the clinic application of new biomaterials.
The 5th International Symposium on Smart Biomaterials (HFS5) is co-organized by Shanghai University and the University of Washington.
Honorary Chair
Professor Allan S. Hoffman
Professor Minhong Wu (Shanghai University, China)
Professor Buddy Ratner (University of Washington, USA)
Program Chair
Professor Jie Chen (Shanghai University, China)


Confirmed Keynote-Plenary speakers (in alphabetic order):
1. Prof. Stuart L. Cooper (Ohio State University, USA)
2. Prof. Jin Chang (Tianjin University, China)
3. Prof. Mitsuhiro Ebara (National Institute for Materials Science,Japan)
4. Prof. Sei Kwang Hahn (Pohang University of Science and Technology(POSTECH), Korea)
5. Prof. Allan S. Hoffman (University of Washington, USA)
6. Prof. Ick Chan Kwon (KIST, Korea)
7. Prof. Glen S Kwon (University of Wisconsin, USA)
8. Prof. Teruo Okano (Univ Utah, SLC, Utah/Tokyo Women’s Med Univ, Japan)
9. Prof. Suzie Pun (University of Washington, USA)
10. Prof. Buddy D. Ratner (University of Washington, USA)
11. Prof. Patrick S. Stayton (University of Washington, USA)
12. Prof. Longping Wen (Univ. of Sci. and Tech. of China, China)
13. Prof. Yong Zhang (Shanghai University, China)

Confirmed Plenary Speakers (in alphabetic order):
1. Prof. Aoneng Cao (Shanghai University, China)
2. Prof. Xiaohu Gao (University of Washington, USA)
3. Prof. Deok-Ho Kim (University of Washington, USA)
4. Prof. In-San Kim (KIST, Korea)
5. Prof. Kwangmeyoung Kim (KIST, Korea)
6. Prof. Sun Kim (KIST, Korea)
7. Prof. Won Jong Kim (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea)
8. Prof. Henry Kopecek (University of Utah, USA)
9. Prof. Byung-Heon Lee (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
10. Prof. Claudio Migliaresi (University of Trento, Italy)
11. Prof. Antonella Motta (University of Trento, Italy)
12. Prof. Yukio Nagasaki (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
13. Prof. Katsuhiko Nakamae (Kobe University, Japan)
14. Prof. Nobuhiro Nishiyama (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
15. Prof. Yukyoung Oh (Seoul National University, Korea)
16. Prof. In-Kyu Park (Chonnam National Univ. Medical School, Korea)
17. Prof. Rui L. Reis (University of Monho, Portugal)
18. Prof. Masaru Tanaka (Kyushu University, Japan)
19. Prof. Chae Ok Yun (Hanyang University, Korea)



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