
创建时间:  2018/09/29  滕晓黎   浏览次数:   返回

2018年10月28日-29日 中国·上海
International Conference on Environmental Health Risk and Prevention for Emerging Pollutants (2018)
October 28-29, 2018, Shanghai, China
With the rapid development of economy, emerging pollutants reach the environment from various anthropogenic sources and are distributed throughout environmental matrices. These compounds are usually with trace concentration in environment and difficult to be monitored by conventional environmental surveys. However, due to the characteristics of fat solubility, potential bioaccumulation and biomagnification, ultra-low concentrations of emerging pollutants can enter the human body and cause serious health hazards. In order to reduce the impact of these pollutants on human health, environmental managers urgently need to know the relevant information, such as the sources, types, concentrations, migration and transformation, causal relationship between environmental exposure and adverse health outcomes, and toxicity mechanisms, so as to establish the monitoring, blocking and treatment system of emerging pollutants. In this context, Shanghai University plans to hold an International Conference on the theme of "Environmental Health Risk and Prevention for Emerging Pollutants (EHRPEP)" in Shanghai, Oct 28-29, 2018.
Conference topics and the collection of papers were shown in Annex 1-2.
Please fill in the receipt form (Annex 2) and send it to ehr2018@163.com.
Please focus on the official WeChat number "EHRPEP2018" for registration information.
Registration fee can be paid refer to Annex 3.



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