报告人:Prof.Hongjin Fan,Nanyang Technological University
报告时间2020/11/8 13:00-16:30
会议ID:246 967 627,直播地址:https://meeting.tencent.com/l/xIFzZ1NsrxcL
Abstract:Our group has been actively working in design nanostructured electrode materials for metal-ion batteries (Na, K, Zn), hybrid capacitors, and electrocatalysts for metal-air batteries. This course aims to give a systematic discussion about rational design of nanostructured electrode materials for electrochemical batteries, from material selection, nanostructure optimization, to device working mechanism understanding. The devices to be presented include post Li metal-ion batteries and hybrid devices (such as Na-ion capacitors). Specifically, four lectures will be delivered: 1). Rechargeable aqueous zinc ion battery, 2) Zn-air batteries, 3) Metal-ion capacitors and 4) Understanding the pseudocapacitive effect.
Dr. Fan is currently a professor at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). He received PhD fromNational University of Singapore in 2003, followed by postdoc atMax-Planck-Institute of Microstructure Physics, Germany and University ofCambridge. He joined NTU as Nanyang Assistant Professor in 2018. He is aneditorial board member of Nanotechnology, Materials Today Nano, advisory boardmember of Advanced Science, Advanced Materials Interface, and AdvancedMaterials Technologies, and Associate Editor of Materials Research Bulletin.Dr. Fan has chaired or co-chaired several international major conferencesincluding MRS in US and ICMAT in Singapore. Dr. Fan’s research interestsinclude semiconductor nanowires and related heterostructures, energy conversionand storage applications of nanomaterials (including photolysis andelectrolysis of water, batteries) and optical properties of low-dimensionalheterostructures. He has authored orco-authored 190 journal articles with an H-index of 63