【二十周年院庆系列报告16】Fundamentals of Electrolytes and Interfaces(Ⅱ)

创建时间:  2020/10/28  许毅   浏览次数:   返回

报告人:Prof.Kang Xu

报告时间2020/11/1 09:00-12:30


会议ID:183 293 153

Abstract:This course consists of two parts. The first part teaches the history of Li-ion battery. It covers the most important technological events that eventually contributed to the successful invention of a sophisticated energy storage device. The second part covers the most fundamental knowledge of electrolytes and interfaces. It starts with the three most basic branches of the modern electrochemistry:Ion solvationandion transportin bulk electrolytes (Ionics), and the charge-transfer at electrode/electrolyte interfaces. (Electrodics), and how these knowledge are applicable to the actual modern electrochemical devices.


Prof.Kang Xuhas graduated with a B.S. (Southwest University, 1985), M.S. (Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences, 1988), and Ph.D. (Arizona State University, 1996) in Chemistry, Kang Xu has been researching energy storage technologies for over 25 years. He joined the U.S. Army Research Laboratory in 1997, and has been the PI/co-PI for various projects funded by US DOE ABR, BATT, and ARPA-E, the project leads for various DoD research projects, as well as the Contract Official Technical Representative for diversified research initiatives. His research interests cover both materials development and fundamental understanding of interphasial mechanisms for electrochemical energy storage devices, including lithium and beyond-lithium battery chemistries. He has been recognized multiple times, with four R&D Achievement Awards from the Department of the Army (1999, 2001, 2002, and 2011), the Publication Award (2005), the Army Science Conference Best Paper Award (2008), and the Science Award (2011). He has published over 130 papers in peer-reviewed journals (h-index 50), written 2 book chapters, coedited a book, and currently holds 20 issued U.S. patents


下一条:【二十周年院庆系列报告15】Nanomaterial battery electrodes and mechanism understanding

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