国家杰出青年基金获得者、国家重点研发计划首席科学家;长期从事化工场地土壤与地下水污染物的环境行为、生态毒理、健康风险和修复机理及技术等多学科交叉研究,主持在研和完成了国家重点研发计划重点专项项目、国家自然科学基金(国家杰出青年科学基金1项,面上项目3项,青年项目1项)、国家环境基准研究专项课题、全国重点地区环境与健康专项课题、上海市科委重点项目等国家和省部级重点科研项目20余项;以第一或通讯作者发表高水平SCI论文60余篇,授权发明专利20余件,参编英文专著1部;获得国家科技进步二等奖1项、中国石油和化学工业联合会技术发明一等奖、上海市技术发明一等奖和环境保护科学技术一等奖等省部级科技一等奖共6项,上海市技术发明二等奖和教育部高校优秀科技成果二等奖各1项;入选教育部新世纪优秀人才、国家环境保护专业技术青年拔尖人才、上海市优秀技术带头人计划、上海市曙光学者、上海市青年科技英才、上海市青年科技启明星计划上海市人才发展资金等省部级人才计划8项;兼任国家生态环境基准委员会委员、中华环保联合会水环境保护专业委员会委员、上海科创启明星协会副理事长,教育部有机复合污染控制工程重点实验室学术委员会委员、上海多介质环境协同治理工程技术研究中心副主任、上海环境岩土工程技术研究中心技术委员会副主任和上海市土木工程学会土壤治理专业委员会副主任、辽宁环境健康损害评价与研究重点实验室学术委员会委员、上海化学品公共安全工程技术研究中心技术委员会委员、上海污染场地修复工程技术中心技术委员会委员、上海环境保护建设用地污染风险防控与修复技术中心委员等;兼任环境科学领域TOP期刊Journal of Environmental Management副主编,Frontiers Bioengineering and Biotechnology编委,Applied Environmental Biotechnology编委。
(1) Zhang Jin, Wang Chen, Xiang Minghui, Huang Yuan, Jin Lide, Yang Zhiyuan, Li Hui*. Fe@Fe2O3 Core-Shell Nanowires Compounding Humic Acid Enhanced Catalysis Removal 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol: Performance and Mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 428: 131779.
(2) Chen Haibo, Hua Xin, Yang Yue, Wang Chen, Jin Lide, Dong Chenyin, Chang Zhaofeng, Ding Ping, Xiang Mingdeng, Li Hui*, Yu Yunjiang*. Chronic Exposure to Uv-Aged Microplastics Induces Neurotoxicity by Affecting Dopamine, Glutamate, and Serotonin Neurotransmission in Caenorhabditis Elegans. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 419: 126482.
(3) Xiang Minghui, Huang Maofang, Li Hui*, Wang Wenbing, Huang Yuan, Lu Zhen, Wang Chen, Si Ruofan, Cao Wei. Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron/Cobalt@Mesoporous Hydrated Silica Core-Shell Particles as a Highly Active Heterogeneous Fenton Catalyst for the Degradation of Tetrabromobisphenol A. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 417: 129208.
(4) Ma Tonghao, Zhang Qi, Xuan Qize, Zhuang Jiafeng, Zhang Wei, Li Hui*, Chen Chao*, Wang Ping*. pH/near-Infrared Light Dual Activated Ce6-Doped Silicon Nanoparticles with Tumor Chemo-Photodynamic Synergistic Therapy for Improving Efficiency of Monotherapy. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 424: 130536.
(5) Li Hui, Cao Wei, Wang Wenbing, Huang Yuan, Xiang Minghui*, Wang Chen, Chen Shuai, Si Ruofan, Huang Maofang. Carbon Nanotubes Nano Mediating Α-Feooh Reduction by Shewanella Putrefaciens Cn32 to Enhance Tetrabromobisphenol a Removal. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 777: 146183.
(6) Xiang Minghui, Lu Zhen, You Ziyin, Wang Xuechen, Huang Maofang, Xu Weixiong, Li Hui*. Interaction Quantitative Modeling of Mixed Surfactants for Synergistic Solubilization by Resonance Light Scattering. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-16391-z.
(7) Li Hui, Si Ruofan, Wang Wenbing, Huang Yuan, Xiang Minghui*, Wang Chen, Chen Shuai, Cao Wei, Lu Zhen, Huang Maofang. Sulfidated Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron Dispersed in Dendritic Mesoporous Silica Nanospheres for Degrading Tetrabromobisphenol A. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021, 621: 126586.
(8) Zhuang Jiafeng, Zhou Lina, Tang Wen, Ma Tonghao, Li Hui*, Wang Xiaoli, Chen Chao*, Wang Ping. Tumor Targeting Antibody-Conjugated Nanocarrier with Ph/Thermo Dual-Responsive Macromolecular Film Layer for Enhanced Cancer Chemotherapy. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2021, 118: 111361.
(9) Chen Haibo, Hua Xin, Li Hui*, Wang Chen, Dang Yao, Ding Ping, Yu Yunjiang*. Transgenerational Neurotoxicity of Polystyrene Microplastics Induced by Oxidative Stress in Caenorhabditis Elegans. Chemosphere, 2021, 272: 129642.
(10) Wang Chen, Chen Haibo, Li Hui*, Zhang Yunchao, Ren Luyao, Chen Chao, Wang Xiaoli, Yu Jun, Li Zongrui, Liu Yongdi. Tris(1,3-Dichloro-2-Propyl)Phosphate Reduces the Lifespan Via Activation of an Unconventional Insulin/Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Signaling Pathway. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54(17): 10783-10796.
(11) Wang Chen, Chen Haibo, Li Hui*, Yu Jun, Wang Xiaoli, Liu Yongdi. Review of Emerging Contaminant Tris(1,3-Dichloro-2-Propyl)Phosphate: Environmental Occurrence, Exposure, and Risks to Organisms and Human Health. Environment International, 2020, 143: 105946.
(12) Yu Yunjiang*, Chen Haibo, Hua Xin, Dang Yao, Han Yajing, Yu Ziling, Chen Xichao, Ding Ping, Li Hui*. Polystyrene Microplastics (Ps-Mps) Toxicity Induced Oxidative Stress and Intestinal Injury in Nematode Caenorhabditis Elegans. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 726: 138679.
(13) Chen Shuai, Li Zixiang, Belver Carolina, Gao Guilan, Guan Jie, Guo Yaoguang, Li Hui*, Ma Jiao, Bedia Jorge, Wójtowicz Patryk. Comparison of the Behavior of Zvi/Carbon Composites from Both Commercial Origin and from Spent Li-Ion Batteries and Mill Scale for the Removal of Ibuprofen in Water. Journal of Environmental Management, 2020, 264: 110480.
(14) Li Hui, Chen Shuai, Ren Lu Yao, Zhou Li Yang*, Tan Xue Jun, Zhu Yu, Belver Carolina, Bedia Jorge, Yang Jie*. Biochar Mediates Activation of Aged Nanoscale Zvi by Shewanella Putrefaciens Cn32 to Enhance the Degradation of Pentachlorophenol. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 368: 148-156.
(15) Wang Chen, An Jing, Bai Yingchen, Li Hui*, Chen Haibo, Ou Dong, Liu Yongdi. Tris(1,3-Dichloro-2-Propyl) Phosphate Accelerated the Aging Process Induced by the 4-Hydroxynon-2-Enal Response to Reactive Oxidative Species in Caenorhabditis Elegans. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 246: 904-913.
(16) Cao Xue, Wang Xiaoli, Chen Haibo, Li Hui*, Tariq Muhammad, Wang Chen, Zhou Yuanyuan, Liu Yongdi. Neurotoxicity of Nonylphenol Exposure on Caenorhabditis Elegans Induced by Reactive Oxidative Species and Disturbance Synthesis of Serotonin. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 244: 947-957.
(17) Chen Haibo, Guo Shu, Li Hui*, Zhou Dong, Cao Xue, Wang Chen, Liu Yongdi, Xiang Mingdeng, Li Liangzhong, Yu Yunjiang. Multi-Generational Effects and Variations of Stress Response by Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) Exposure in the Nematode Caenorhabditis Elegans. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 245: 216-222.
(18) Yu Yunjiang*, Yu Ziling, Xiang Mingdeng, Zhou Zhixiang, Hu Guocheng, Zhang Yanping, Ma Ruixue, Li Hui*. Screening and Prioritization of Chemical Hazards for Deriving Human Health Ambient Water Quality Criteria in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 245: 223-229.
(19) Zhang Yunchao, Wang Xiaoli, Chen Chao, An Jing, Shang Yu, Li Hui*, Xia Hubin, Yu Jun, Wang Chen, Liu Yongdi, Guo Shu. Regulation of Tbbpa-Induced Oxidative Stress on Mitochondrial Apoptosis in L02 Cells through the Nrf2 Signaling Pathway. Chemosphere, 2019, 226: 463-471.
(20) Chen Haibo, Wang Chen, Li Hui*, Ma Ruixue, Yu Ziling, Li Liangzhong, Xiang Mingdeng, Chen Xichao, Hua Xin, Yu Yunjiang*. A Review of Toxicity Induced by Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) in the Nematode Caenorhabditis Elegans. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 237: 519-525.
(21) Ren Luyao, Li Liangzhong, Chen Shuai, Li Hui*, Liu Yongdi, Zhou Liyang, Guo Su, Yu YunJiang*. Yolk-Shell Fe/Fes@SiO2 Particles with Enhanced Dispersibility, Transportability and Degradation of TBBPA. Catalysis Today, 2019, 327: 2-9.
(22) Wu Xiao, Li Wei, Ou Dong, Li Cheng, Hou Meng, Li Hui*, Liu Yongdi*. Enhanced Adsorption of Zn2+ by Salinity-Aided Aerobic Granular Sludge: Performance and Binding Mechanism. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 242: 266-271.
(23) Ou Dong, Li Wei, Li Hui*, Wu Xiao, Li Cheng, Zhuge Yangyang, Liu Yong-di*. Enhancement of the Removal and Settling Performance for Aerobic Granular Sludge under Hypersaline Stress. Chemosphere, 2018, 212: 400-407.
(24) Qian Chan-Juan, Li Wei, Li Hui*, Ou Dong, Zhu-Ge Yang-Yang, Liu Yong-Di*. Responses of Genes for the Uptake of Glycine Betaine in Virgibacillus Halodenitrificans Pdb-F2 under Nacl Stress. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2018, 132: 192-199.
Yu Yunjiang, Ma Ruixue*, Yu Lin, Cai Ze, Li Hongyan, Zuo You, Wang Zhengdong, Li Hui*. Combined Effects of Cadmium and Tetrabromobisphenol a (TBBPA) on Development, Antioxidant Enzymes Activity and Thyroid Hormones in Female Rats. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 2018, 289: 23-31.
(25) Yu Yunjiang*, Xiang Mingdeng, Gao Dandan, Ye Hao, Wang Qiong, Zhang Yanping, Li Liangzhong, Li Hui*. Assimilation, Distribution and Toxicity of Tetrabromobisphenol a to Female Wistar Rats through Subchronic Dermal Exposure. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2018, 128: 171-176.
(26) Chen Shuai, Belver Carolina, Li Hui*, Ren Lu Yao, Liu Yong Di, Bedia Jorge, Gao Gui Lan, Guan Jie. Effects of Ph Value and Calcium Hardness on the Removal of 1,1,1-Trichloroethane by Immobilized Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron on Silica Based Supports. Chemosphere, 2018, 211: 102-111.
(27) Wang Xiaoli, Yang Jie, Li Hui*, Guo Shu, Tariq Muhammad, Chen Haibo*, Wang Chen, Liu Yongdi. Chronic Toxicity of Hexabromocyclododecane(HBCD) Induced by Oxidative Stress and Cell Apoptosis on Nematode Caenorhabditis Elegans. Chemosphere, 2018, 208.
(28) Chen Shuai, Bedia Jorge, Li Hui*, Ren Lu Yao, Naluswata Fauzia, Belver Carolina*. Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron@Mesoporous Hydrated Silica Core-Shell Particles with Enhanced Dispersibility, Transportability and Degradation of Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 343: 619-628.
(29) Yu Yunjiang, Yu Ziling, Sun Peng, Lin Bigui, Li Liangzhong, Wang Zhengdong, Ma Ruixue, Xiang Mingdeng, Li Hui*, Guo Shu. Effects of Ambient Air Pollution from Municipal Solid Waste Landfill on Children's Non-Specific Immunity and Respiratory Health. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 236: 382-390.
(30) Yang Jie, Zhou Li Yang, Li Hui*. Synergistic Effects of Acclimated Bacterial Community and Zero Valent Iron for Removing 1,1,1-Trichloroethane and 1,4-Dioxane Co-Contaminants in Groundwater. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2018, 93(8): 2244-2251.
(31) Yang Jie, Chen Shuai, Li Hui*. Dewatering Sewage Sludge by a Combination of Hydrogen Peroxide, Jute Fiber Wastes and Cationic Polyacrylamide. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2018, 128: 78-84.
(32) Zhou Li Yang, Chen Shuai, Li Hui*, Guo Shu, Liu Yong Di, Yang Jie*. EDDs Enhanced Shewanella Putrefaciens Cn32 and Α-FeOOH Reductive Dechlorination of Carbon Tetrachloride. Chemosphere, 2018, 198: 556-564.
(33) Yu Yunjiang, Huang Zheng, Deng Dongyang, Ju Yongming, Ren Luyao, Xiang Mingdeng, Li Liangzhong, Li Hui*. Synthesis of Millimeter-Scale Sponge Fe/Cu Bimetallic Particles Removing TBBPA and Insights of Degradation Mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 325: 279-288.
(34) Yu Yunjiang, Wang Zhengdong, Wang Qiong, Xiang Mingdeng, Zhang Yanping, Ge Qingzhi, Li Liangzhong, Li Hui*, Ma Ruixue. Excretion Characteristics of Tetrabromobisphenol-a in Wistar Rats Following Mouth and Nose Inhalation Exposure. Chemosphere, 2017, 175: 147-152.
(35) Zhou Yang#, Sun Zhiyuan#, Li Hui*, Qian Chanjuan, Wu Xiao, Tang Hongzhi, Ali Fawad, Liu Yongdi*. Investigation of compatible solutes synthesis and transport of Virgibacillus halodenitrificans PDB-F2 with complete genome analysis, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2017, 122: 165-172.
(36) Li Hui*, Qiu Yuefeng, Wang Xiaoli, Chen Yaqing, Liu Yongdi. Biochar supported Ni/Fe bimetallic nanoparticles to remove 1,1,1-trichloroethane under various reaction conditions. Chemosphere, 2017, 169:534-541.
(37) Yang Zhilong, Wang Xiaoli, Li Hui*, Yang Jie, Zhou Liyang, Liu Yongdi. Re-activation of aged-ZVI by iron-reducing bacterium Shewanella putrefaciens for enhanced reductive dechlorination of trichloroethylene, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 2017, 92(10): 2642-2649.
(38) Yu Yunjiang, Li Liangzhong, Yu Lehuan*, Lin Bigui, Chen Xichao, Li Hui*, Han Qian, Ge Qingzhi, Li Hongyan. Effect of exposure to decabromodiphenyl ether and tetrabromobisphenol A in combination with lead andcadmium on soil enzyme activity, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2017, 117: 45-51.
(39) Li Hui, Chen Yaqin, Chen Shuai, Wang Xiaoli*, Guo Shu, Qiu Yuefeng, Liu Yongdi, Duan Xiaoli, Yu Yunjiang*. Wheat straw biochar-supported nanoscale zerovalent iron for removal of trichloroethylene from groundwater, PLos One, 2017, 12(3): e0172337.
(40) Tao Pin, Wang Xiaoli, Li Hui*, Yang Jie, Gu Jidong, Liu Yongdi. Ectoine and 5-hydroxyectoine accumulation in the halophile Virgibacillus halodenitrificans PDB-F2 in response to salt stress. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2016, 100(15):6779-6789.
(41) Zhou Dong, Yang Jie, Li Hui*, Changzheng Cui, Liu Yongdi, Yu Yunjiang, Lin Kuangfei. The chronic toxicity of bisphenol A to Caenorhabditis elegans after long-term exposure at environmentally relevant concentrations. Chemosphere, 2016, 154:546-551.
(42) Zhou Dong, Yang Jie, Li Hui*, Lu Qiang, Liu Yongdi, Lin Kuangfei*. Ecotoxicity of bisphenol A to Caenorhabditis elegans by multigenerational exposure and variations of stress response in vivo across generations, Environmental Pollution, 2016, 208: 767-773.
(43) Zhou Dong, Yang Jie, Li Hui*, Lu Qiang, Liu Yongdi, Lin Kuangfei*. Ecotoxicological evaluation of low-concentration bisphenol A exposure on the soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and intrinsic mehanisms of stress response in vivo, Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry, 2016, 99: 2041-2047.
(44) Yu Yunjiang*, Wang Qiong, Liang Liangzhong, Li Hui*, Xiang Mingdeng. Particle-Associated Ambient Benzo[a]pyrene and Levels of Urinary 1-Hydroxypyrene in a Non-occupationally Exposed Population of Adults and Children in Lanzhou, China, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology, 2016, 96: 303-308.
(45) Yu Yunjiang, Xiang Mingdeng, Gao Dandan, Ye Hao, Wang Qiong, Zhang Yanping, Li Liangzhong, Li Hui*. Absorption and excretion of Tetrabromobisphenol A in male Wistar rats following subchronic dermal exposure. Chemosphere, 2016, 146:189-194.
(46) Qiang Lu, Rui-Li Zhu, Jie Yang, Li Hui*, Yong-Di Liu, Shu-Guang Lu, Kuang-Fei Lin. Natural attenuation model and biodegradation for 1,1,1-trichloroethane contaminant in shallow groundwater. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2015, 6:839.
(47) Lu Zhiyan, Guo Xiaojue, Li Hui*, Huang Zhongzi, Lin Kuangfei, Liu Yongdi*. High-Throughput Screening for a Moderately Halophilic Phenol-Degrading Strain and Its Salt Tolerance Response, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2015, 16(6): 11834-11848.
(48) Li Hui#, Zhang Shiyang#, Wang Xiaoli, Yang Jie, Gu Jidong, Zhu Ruili, Wang Ping, Lin Kuangfei, Liu Yongdi*. Aerobic biodegradation of trichloroethylene and phenol co-contaminants in groundwater by a bacterial community using hydrogen peroxide as the sole oxygen source, Environmental Technology, 2015, 36(5): 667-674.
(49) Xiao-Jue Guo, Zhi-Yan Lu, Li Hui*, Zhong-Zi Huang, Kuang-Fei Lin and Yong-Di Liu. Diversity and degradation mechanism of an anaerobic bacterial community treating phenolic wastewater with sulfate as an electron acceptor. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22:16121-16132.
(50) Lu Qiang, Luo Qishi, Li Hui*, Liu Yongdi, Gu Jidong, Lin Kuangfei*. Characterization of Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons and Environmental Variables in a Shallow Groundwater in Shanghai Using Kriging Interpolation and Multifactorial Analysis, PLos One, 2015, 10(11): 13.
(51) Huang Zhongzi, Wang Ping, Li Hui*, Lin Kuangfei, Lu Zhiyan, Guo Xiaojue, Liu Yongdi*. Community analysis and metabolic pathway of halophilic bacteria for phenol degradation in saline environment, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2014, 94: 115-120.
(52) Zhou Yazhen, Yang Jie, Wang Xiaoli, Pan Yueqing, Li Hui*, Zhou Dong, Liu, Yongdi, Wang Ping, Gu Jidong, Lu Qiang, Qiu Yuefeng, Lin Kuangfei*. Bio-beads with immobilized anaerobic bacteria, zero-valent iron, and active carbon for the removal of trichloroethane from groundwater, Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 2014, 21(19): 11500-11509.
(53) Wang Yufeng, Wang Xiaoli, Li Hui*, Lin Kuangfei, Wang Ping, Yang Jie, Liu Yongdi*, Sun Zhiyuan, Fan Lihua, Wu Zhiming. Treatment of high salinity phenol-laden wastewater using a sequencing batch reactor containing halophilic bacterial community, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2014, 93: 138-144.
(54) Li Hui#, Shen Tingting#, Wang Xiaoli, Lin Kuangfei*, Liu Yongdi*, Lv Shuguang, Gu Jidong, Wang Ping*, Lu Qiang. Du Xiaoming; Biodegradation of perchloroethylene and chlorophenol co-contamination and toxic effect on activated sludge performance, Bioresource Technology, 2013, 137: 286-293.
(55) Li Hui#, Wang Xiaoli#, Mu Bozhong, Gu Jidong, Liu Yongdi*, Lin Kuangfei*, Lv Shuguang, Lu Qiang, Li Bingzhi, Li Yangyang, Du Xiaoming*. Molecular detection, quantification and distribution of alkane-degrading bacteria in production water from low temperature oilfields, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2013, 76: 49-57.
(56) Li Hui#, Zhang Qian#, Wang Xiaoli, Ma Xingyuan*, Lin Kuangfei, Liu Yongdi, Gu Jidong. Biodegradationof benzene homologues in contaminated sediment of the East China Sea, Bioresource Technology, 2012, 124: 129-136.
(57) Li Hui, Zhang Wei, Li Lu, Liu Yongdi, Lin Kuangfei*, Lv Shuguang, Mu Bozhong, Du Xiaoming, Lu Qiang, Zhang Qian, Shen Tingting, Li Bingzhi, Zhao Liming, Li Yangyang. Effects of 1,1,1-trichloroethane on enzymatic activity and bacterial community in anaerobic microcosm form sequencing batch reactors, Ecotoxicology, 2012, 21(5): 1426-1435.
(58) Li Hui, Mu Bozhong, Jiang Yan, Gu Jidong*. Production Processes Affected Prokaryotic amoA Gene Abundance and Distribution in High-Temperature Petroleum Reservoirs, Geomicrobiology Journal, 2011, 28(8): 692-704.
(59) Li Hui, Chen Shuo, Mu Bozhong, Gu Jidong*. Molecular Detection of Anaerobic Ammonium-Oxidizing (Anammox) Bacteria in High-Temperature Petroleum Reservoirs, Microbial Ecology, 2010, 60(4): 771-783.
(60) Li Hui, Yang Shizhong, Mu Bozhong*, Rong Zhaofeng, Zhang Jie. Molecular phylogenetic diversity of the microbial community associated with a high-temperature petroleum reservoir at an offshore oilfield, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2007, 60(1): 74-84.
(61) Li Hui, Yang Shizhong, Mu Bozhong*. Phylogenetic diversity and structure of the archaeal community in a continental high-temperature, water-flooding petroleum reservoir, Current Microbiology, 2007, 55: 382-388.
2. 出版专著
(1) Li Hui*, Mu Bo-zhong. Methanogenes and ammonia-oxidation archaeal communities in the high temperature oil reservoirs. In: Sakura Y. Katô (eds) Archaea: Structure, Habitats and Ecological Significance, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2011, pp. 39-68.
3. 发明专利
(1) 李辉,林匡飞,吕树光等;植物微生物联合修复土壤及浅层地下水有机污染物系统,发明专利,中国,授权专利号ZL201110079084.9。
(2) 李辉,林匡飞,刘勇弟等;一种氯代烃高效好氧降解混合菌剂的制备方法与应用,发明专利,中国,授权专利号ZL201210049034.0;
(3) 李辉,林匡飞,刘勇弟,吕树光等;一种挥发性有机物污染地下水样品的无扰动采集与测定方法,发明专利,中国,授权专利号ZL201210090038.3;
(4) 李辉,林匡飞,刘勇弟,吕树光等;一种氯代烃厌氧降解菌剂的制备方法及应用,发明专利,中国,授权专利号ZL201210232794.5;
(5) 李辉,林匡飞,刘勇弟等;地下水中挥发性有机污染物迁移转化模拟装置及应用,发明专利,中国,授权专利号ZL201410014409.9;
(6) 李辉,林匡飞,刘勇弟等;零价铁-活性污泥耦合处理氯代烃/二恶烷复合污染方法,发明专利,中国,授权专利号ZL201510089058.2;
(7) 李辉,刘勇弟,杨洁等;一种处理高盐含酚废水的活性污泥及应用,发明专利,中国,授权专利号ZL201511008520.8;
(8) 李辉,杨洁,刘勇弟等;絮凝调理剂耦合超声氧化的污泥脱水方法,发明专利,中国,授权专利号ZL201511008788.1;
(9) 李辉,刘勇弟,王晓丽等;一种H2O2供氧降解地下水中氯代烃的菌剂及应用,发明专利,中国,授权专利号ZL201610254805.8;
(10) 李辉,毛逸涛,相明辉等;一种强化铁还原菌耦合钝化纳米零价铁体系的方法,发明专利,中国,授权专利号ZL201911299838.4;
(11) 李辉,相明辉,周猛等;一种中空碳胶囊包覆纳米零价铁复合材料的制备及其应用,发明专利,中国,授权专利号ZL201910909440.1;
(15) 李辉,相明辉,黄茂方等;水合介孔二氧化硅包覆纳米铁钴双金属复合材料及其应用,发明专利,中国,公开号CN202011411725.1;
(16) 李辉,相明辉,任路遥等;一种基于Fe/FeS@SiO2材料去除水中三氯乙烯的试验方法,发明专利,中国,公开号CN201910384198.0;
(17) 李辉,刘勇弟,王晓丽等;一种纳米零价铁@介孔氧化硅材料的制备方法,发明专利,中国,公开号CN201810284689.3;
(18) 李辉,刘勇弟,王晓丽等;一种生物炭负载纳米铁镍双金属材料制备方法及应用,发明专利,中国,公开号CN201610177328.X;
(19) 李辉,刘勇弟,王晓丽等;降解苯酚的中度嗜盐菌及其高通量筛选方法和应用,发明专利,中国,公开号CN201510316733.0;
(20) 李辉,刘勇弟,杨洁等;强化脱氯性能的厌氧颗粒污泥及其制备方法及其应用,发明专利,中国,公开号CN201510225607.4;
(21) 李辉,林匡飞,刘勇弟等;用于场地修复的固定化微生物小球及其制备方法,发明专利,中国,公开号CN201410014392.7;
(22) 李辉,刘勇弟,林匡飞,吕树光等;一种降解高盐苯系物的中度嗜盐菌群的构建方法及应用,发明专利,中国,公开号CN201210232811.5;
(1) 2021年,入选国家杰出青年科学基金;
(2) 2019年,上海市曙光学者;
(3) 2018年,上海市优秀学科/技术带头人;
(4) 2016年,国家环境保护专业技术青年拔尖人才;
(5) 2016年,上海市青年科技英才;
(6) 2014年,教育部新世纪优秀人才;
(7) 2014年,入选霍英东高校青年教师基金;
(8) 2012年,入选上海市人才发展资金资助计划;
(9) 2012年,上海市青年科技启明星;
(1) 2020年,生态环境部科技进步一等奖,新型功能性工程纳米材料研发关键技术与环境应用;
(2) 2019年,生态环境部科技进步一等奖,电子垃圾拆解区污染物暴露识别与风险评估关键技术及应用;
(3) 2018年,国家科技进步二等奖,区域环境污染人群暴露风险防控技术及其应用;
(4) 2017年,上海市科技进步一等奖,城市再开发场地土壤污染控制与修复关键技术及其应用;
(5) 2016年,上海市技术发明一等奖,区域环境污染与健康危害的特征识别、评估与风险控制技术;
(6) 2015年,环境保护科学技术一等奖,环境污染的健康风险调查、评估与信息管理技术;
(7) 2015年,教育部技术发明二等奖,城市地下水环境高危害有机物污染风险识别与修复新技术;
(8) 2014年,中国石油和化学工业联合会技术发明一等奖,化工场地高风险有机物复合污染识别与修复关键技术及应用;
(9) 2014年,上海市技术发明二等奖,工业场地有机物污染地下水环境风险控制与修复新技术;
Hui Li
Professor (doctoral/master tutor)
Associate Minister of Research Management Department, Director of Major Science and Technology Project Office, Shanghai University;
Recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars;
Chief Scientist of National Key R&D Program of China;
Department: Institute of Environmental Pollution and Health
Office: Room 911, School of Environmental and Chemical engineering building
1. Environmental health, environmental benchmarks, environmental toxicology and chemical risk control mechanism and technology;
2. Risk assessment of contaminated sites, remediation mechanism and technology of soil and groundwater pollution;
3. Environmental functional materials and technical equipment, advanced wastewater treatment and resource recovery technology;
4. Realization path and advanced technology equipment for emission peak and carbon neutralization;
1. 2003/09-2008/03, East China University of Science and Technology, Physical Chemistry, Doctoral degree
2. 1999/09-2003/07, Jiangnan University, Bioengineering, Bachelor degree
1. 2020/04-Present, Associate Minister, Research Management Department of Shanghai University
2. 2018/4-Present, Professor, School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai University
3. 2016/9-2018/5, Professor, School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology
4. 2011/9-2016/8, Associate Professor, School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology
5. 2010/4-2011/8, Assistant Professor, School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology
6. 2009/3-2010/3, Post-doctoral, The University of Hong Kong, Ecological diversity and environmental toxicology laboratory
7. 2008/3-2009/3, Post-doctoral, East China University of Science and Technology, Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology
1. 2022/01-2026/12, National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars
2. 2021/01-2024/12, General project of National Natural Science Foundation of China
3. 2020/01-2023/12, National Key Research and Development Plan
4. 2019/01-2022/12, General project of National Natural Science Foundation of China
5. 2019/10-2022/09, Innovation Program of Shanghai Municipal of Science and Technology Commission
6. 2019/09-2021/08, Shu Guang Project supported by the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and the Shanghai Education Development Foundation
7. 2018/05-2021/04, Program of Shanghai Academic/Technology Research Leader
8. 2018/01-2020/12, Special project of Environment and Health Risk Sentinel Monitoring by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment
9. 2018/01-2020/12, Special project of National Environmental Benchmark Management Research of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment
10. 2017/01-2019/06, Sub-project on National key research and development programs
1. 2021, National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars
2. 2019, Shanghai Shuguang Scholar
3. 2018, Program of Shanghai Academic/Technology Research Leader
4. 2016, National Top Youth and Professional Talents of Environmental Protection
5. 2016, the 8th Shanghai Science and Technology Youth Elite Award
6. 2014, Ministry of Education New Century Excellent Talent Support Program
7. 2014, Fok Ying Tung Foundation Youth Teachers Fund
8. 2012, Shanghai Talent Development Fund
9. 2012, Shanghai Youth Science and Technology Star
1. 2020, Science and Technology Progress Award of Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China, First Prize
2.2019, Science and Technology Progress Award of Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China, First Prize
3. 2018, National Science and Technology Progress Award, Second Prize
4. 2017, Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award, First Prize
5. 2016, Shanghai Technical Invention Award, First Prize
6. 2015, Science and Technology Progress Award of Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China, First Prize
7. 2015, Technical Invention Award of Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China, Second Prize
8. 2014, China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, Science and Technology Award, First Prize
9. 2014, Shanghai Technical Invention Award, Second Prize
1. 2016/9-Present, Sustainable development
2. 2014/9-Present, Environmental engineering experiments
3. 2013/9-Present, Pollution Ecology
4. 2011/9-present, Biology and environment
1. Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Environmental Management
2. Editorial board for the International Journal of Applied Environmental Biotechnology
3. Expert of National Ecological and Environmental Benchmarks Committee
4. Vice president of Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Star Association
5. Member of Water Environment Protection Professional Committee of All-China Environmental Protection Federation
6. Member of Academic Committee of Key Laboratory of Organic Compound Pollution Control Engineering, Ministry of Education
7. Associate Director of Soil Control Professional Committee of Shanghai Civil Engineering Society
8. Expert of Shanghai Contaminated Site Rehabilitation Engineering Technology Center
9. Expert of Shanghai Heavy Metal Pollution Control Engineering Technology Center
10. Expert of Shanghai Engineering Center for Environmental Protection Construction Land Pollution Risk Control and Remediation
11. Expert of the National Natural Science Foundation of China project
12. Expert of Shanghai science and technology research projects
We are warmly welcome outstanding doctoral/master students and post-docs to join our research team, and we sincerely welcome experts, scholars, enterprises and institutions to contact us to discuss cooperative research matters.
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