






Water ResearchJournal of Hazardous Materials ES&T Engineering ES&T Water 等国内外学术期刊发表论文40余篇,一作和通讯30篇,出版科技专著3部,申请专利10项,授权5项; 在日本九州大学、韩国釜山大学和香港科技大学等参加国际学术交流汇报6次;累计主持和参与国家级项目6项,目前主持3项(国家自然科学基金面上、青年各1项、土壤重点研发子课题1项),同时获得上海市“超级博士后日常资助项目”,参与2020年度上海市“青年科技启明星”计划等人才项目;目前担任 Eco-Environment & Health(EEH)期刊青年编委、国家自然科学基金评审专家(累计评审面上、地区、青年项目60余项)、教育部学位中心评审专家、上海市科学技术委员会评审专家、学术桥人才评审专家。


2020.09-至今 亚星221net 环境与化学工程学院 副研究员

2018.06-2020.08 上海交通大学 环境科学与工程学院 博士后

2018.01-2018.02 Pusan National University 访问学者

2014.09-2018.06 上海交通大学 环境科学与工程学院 博士


[1] 新污染物在复杂环境介质迁移、精准空间识别和时空演化预测

[2] 地表径流、土壤地下水和工业废水绿色低碳高效微生物-化学模块化修复技术

[3] 零价铁、生物炭及铁硫新型功能材料研发及其在土壤和地下水修复中的应用

[4] 全球尺度场地修复碳排放核算、减碳协同增效优化和碳减排潜力估算、预测



[34] Chunyang Li, Wenbing Wang*, Qifeng Fan, Yunhui Zhang, Meng Zhang, Qianling Dong, Ghebretensae Aron Kifle, Hui Li*. Fe(IV)=O/Fe(V)=O and [O]2+/[O]3+ cooperating with free radicals induced high-rate sulfamethoxazole-Cr(VI) simultaneous removal in Fe7S8-persulfate micro-nano catalytic system[J]. ES&T Engineering (2024).

[33] Wenbing Wang*, Qifeng Fan, Tiantian Gong, Meng Zhang, Chunyang Li, Yunhui Zhang, Hui Li*. Superb green cycling strategies for microbe-Fe0 neural network-type interaction: harnessing eight key genes encoding enzymes and mineral transformations to efficiently treat PFOA[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials 470 (2024) 134143.

[32] Wenbing Wang*, Meng Zhang, Qifeng Fan, Chunyang Li, and Hui Li*.Dual Role of Microbe−FexSy Interaction to Drive Perfluorooctanoic Acid Multipath Chain Reaction Decay Cycles and Secondary Minerals-Ions (Fe2+/Fe3+) Transformation Cycles [J]. ES&T Water 2024, 4 (5), 2123-2134. DOI: 10.1021/acsestwater.3c00763

[31] Meng Zhang, Wenbing Wang*, Tiantian Gong, Yulin Wu, Guangyao Chen. Cutting-edge technologies and relevant reaction mechanism difference in treatment of long- and short-chain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances: A review[J]. Chemosphere 354 (2024) 141692.

[30] Zhang YH*, Swaren L, Wang WB*. Water decontamination by reactive high-valent iron species[J]. Eco-Environment & Health, 2024,3,55-58.

[29] Li H, Zhang M, Dong QL, Fan QF, Gong TT, Wang WB*. Iron (hydr)oxide dynamic transformation-induced perfluorooctanoic acid transport and attenuation effect: impacts of initial goethite and associated minerals content and groundwater type [J]. Environmental Pollution 340 (2024) 122800.


[28] Wang WB, Zhang M, Qiu H, Gong TT, Xiang MH, Li H*. Microbe−mineral interaction-induced microorganism-augmented permeable reactive barriers for remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater: A review [J]. ES&T Water,3,2024-2040.2023.06.08

[27] Li H, Dong QL, Zhang M, Gong TT, Zan RX, Wang WB*. Transport behavior difference and transport model of long- and short-chain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in underground environmental media: A review [J]. Environmental Pollution, 2023, 327: 121579. 2023.04.05 (IF=9.988 Q1)

[26] Fan QF, Gong TT, Dong QL, Wang WB*. Uncovering hydrothermal treatment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances[J]. Eco-Environment & Health, 2023, 2: 21-23. 2023.02.16

[25] Wang WB, Dong QL, Mao YT, Zhang YF, Gong TT, Li H. GO accelerate iron oxides formation and tetrabromobisphenol A removal enhancement in the GO loaded NZVI system [J]. Environmental Pollution,2023,316:120512. (IF=9.988 Q1)

[24] Lin L, Wang JS, Zhao ZF, Zhu JY, Zhamaerding A, Feng LY, Yang D, Meng LT, He CS, Wang WB, Zhang YH*, Jin W. Multi-dimensional micro-nano scale manganese oxide catalysts induced chemical-based advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) in environmental applications: A critical review [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 474 (2023) 145600.

[23] Aron Kifle G, Huang Y, Xiang MH,Tesfamichael T, Wang WB, Wei YQ, Wang C, Li CY, Li H*. Synergistic Enhancement of Peroxymonosulfate Activation by Bimetallic (Bi, Fe) supported NaHCO3 activated and Urea-modified Biochar for Sulfamethoxazole Degradation: DFT Calculations, Toxicity Assessments, and Mechanistic Studies [J]. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Available online 20 December 2023, 111675.

[22] Aron Kifle G, Huang Y, Xiang MH, Tesfamichael T, Wang WB, Wei YQ, Wang C,Jin LD, Li H*. Bimetallic Nanostructure-Functionalized Membranes Coupled with Sulfate Radical-based Advanced Oxidation Processes: Fabrication Strategies, Characterizations, and Applications [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal,2023.12


[21] Wang WB, Gong TT, Li H*, Liu YM, Dong QL, Zan RX, Wu YL. The multi-process reaction model and underlying mechanisms of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol removal in lab-scale biochar-microorganism augmented ZVI PRBs and field-scale PRBs performance [J]. Water Research, 2022.217:118422. (IF=13.4 Q1)

[20] Li CY, Jin LD, Wang WB*, Xiang MH, Wang C, Huang Y, Li SY, Lu Z, Zhang J, Yang ZY, Li H*. Iron-sulphur transformation control for enhancing Cr(VI) removal in flake and nanoscale porous pyrrhotite (Fe7S8) added wastewater [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022.436:129079. (IF=14.224 Q1)

[19] Wang WB, Dong QL, Qiu H, Li H*, Mao YT, Liu YM, Gong TT, Xiang MH, Huang Y, Wang C, Zan RX. Rapid reactivation of aged NZVI/GO by Shewanella CN32 for efficient removal of tetrabromobisphenol A and associated reaction mechanisms [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022.333:130215. (IF=11.072 Q1)

[18] Aron Kifle G, Huang Y, Xiang MH, Wang WB, Wang C, Li CY, Li H*. Heterogeneous activation of peroxygens by iron-based bimetallic nanostructures for the efficient remediation of contaminated water. A review [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022.442:136187.

[17] Li H, Li SY, Jin LD, Lu Z, Xiang MH, Wang C, Wang WB, Zhang J, Li CY, Xie HJ. Activation of peroxymonosulfate by magnetic Fe3S4/biochar composites for the efficient degradation of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol: Synergistic effect and mechanism [J]. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,2022.10(1):107085.


[16] Li H, Cao W, Wang WB, Huang Y, Xiang MH*, Wang C, Chen S, Si RF, Huang MF. Carbon nanotubes mediating nano α-FeOOH reduction by Shewanella putrefaciens CN32 to enhance tetrabromobisphenol A removal [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2021.777:146183.

[15] Xiang MH, Huang MF, Li H*, Wang WB, Huang Y, Lu Z, Wang C, Si RF, Cao W. Nanoscale zero-valent iron/cobalt@mesoporous hydrated silica core-shell particles as a highly active heterogeneous Fenton catalyst for the degradation of tetrabromobisphenol A [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021.417:129208.

[14] Li H, Si RF, Wang WB, Huang Y, Xiang MH*, Wang C, Chen S, Cao W, Lu Z, Huang MF. Sulfidated nanoscale zero-valent iron dispersed in dendritic mesoporous silica nanospheres for degrading tetrabromobisphenol A [J]. Colloids and Surfaces A Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021.621:126586.


[13] Wang WB*, Deping Li, Xuntao Liu. From aliphatic compounds contaminated soil to active building material: An emerging opportunity for soil remediation and waste utilisation [J]. Environmental Research,2020. 190:109986 2020.07.19 (IF=8.431 Q1)

[12] Wang WB, Zhao L, Cao XD*. The microorganism and biochar-augmented bioreactive top-layer soil for degradation removal of 2,4-dichlorophenol from surface runoff [J]. Science of the Total Environment,2020.733:139244 WOS:000540252500017 2020.05.08 (IF=10.753 Q1)

[11] Wang WB*, Zhao PP, Hu YF, Zan RX*. Application of zero-valent iron coupling with weak magnetic field for remediation of groundwater and wastewater: A review [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020. 262:121341 WOS:000552078900014 2020.03.31 (IF=11.072 Q1)


[10] Wang WB, Wu YQ*, A multi-path chain kinetic reaction model to predict the evolution of 1,1,1-trichloroethane and its daughter products contaminant-plume in permeable reactive bio-barriers[J], Environmental Pollution, 2019.07, 253:1021-1029 WOS:000483406700102 2019.07.20

(IF=9.988 Q1)

[9] Wang WB, Wu YQ*, Sequential coupling of bio-augmented permeable reactive barriers for remediation of 1,1,1-trichloroethane contaminated groundwater[J], Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019.03, 26:12042-12054 WOS:000467887600077 2019.03.02

[8] Wang WB, Zhao L, Cao XD*, Biochar and microorganism augmented bio-reactive layer in shallow soil for remediation of 2,4-dichlorophenol contaminated surface runoff, 10th National Congress of Environmental Chemistry,2019.8.15-2019.8.19

[7] Wang WB, Wu YQ*, Effects of biological clogging on 1,1,1-TCA and its intermediates distribution and fate in heterogeneous saturated bio-augmented permeable reactive barriers[J], Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018.10, 25(28): 28628-28641 WOS:000445215500080 2018.08.09

[6] Wang WB, Cao XD*, Biochar cooperates with microorganism for remediation of 2,4-DCP contaminated soil and groundwater, THE 2nd IIES GRADUATE STUDENTS FORUM, Hong Kong, P.R. China, 2018.11.1 - 2018.11.3

Prior to 2018

[5] Wang WB, Wu YQ*, Combination of zero-valent iron and anaerobic microorganisms immobilized in luffa sponge for degrading 1,1,1-trichloroethane and the relevant microbial community analysis [J], Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2017.01, 101(2): 783-796 WOS:000392060500026 2016.10.25

[4] Wang WB, Wu YQ*, Zhang C, High-density natural luffa sponge as anaerobic microorganisms carrier for degrading 1,1,1-TCA in groundwater[J], Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2017.03, 40(3): 383-393 WOS:000394372600006 2016.11.09

[3] Song JX, Wang WB, Li RJ, Zhu J, Zhang YM*, Liu R, Rittmann BE, UV photolysis for enhanced phenol biodegradation in the presence of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (TCP)[J], Biodegradation, 2016.02, 27(1): 59-67 WOS:000376661800006 2016.01.08

[2] Pan SH, Yan N, Liu XY, Wang WB, Zhang YM*, Liu R, Rittmann BE, How UV photolysis accelerates the biodegradation and mineralization of sulfadiazine (SD), Biodegradation, 2014.11, 25(6): 911-921 WOS:000342174000012 2014.09.09

[1] Wang WB, Zhang YM*, UV photolysis for relieving inhibition of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (TCP) to phenol degrading bacteria, The 3rd International Conference on Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, Beijing, P.R. China, 2013.11.25 - 2013.11.26


(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2022.01-2025.12,56万,在研,主持

(2) 国家重点研发计划,2020.11-2024.10,91.56万,在研,主持

(3) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2020.01-2022.12,22万,结题,主持


(5)“2020年度上海市青年科技启明星计划”2020.5-2023.4, 40万,结题,参与

(6) 上海市科技委员会项目2015.07-2017.06,30万,结题,参与。


(1) 2019.08 天津大学 第十届环境化学大会优秀Poster一等奖

(2) 2018.11 香港科技大学2nd IIES GRADUATE STUDENTS FORUM报告优秀奖

(3) 2017.12上海交通大学优秀研究生奖学金

(4) 2015.06第二届(2014年度)《上海师范大学学报》(自然科学版)优秀论文

(5) 2015.05同济大学 第十届全国研究生环境论坛优秀论文三等奖

(6) 2014.11 复旦大学 2014年度复旦大学博士生论坛优秀博士论文第三名


1. 第二届中国研究生“双碳”创新与创意大赛

全国二等奖 李春阳、范淇峰、Ghebretensae Aron Kifle 2023

2. 7th SKY Joint Symposium

The 2023 Joint Symposium on Green Chemistry and Clean Technology

优秀报告奖 Yongkang Wei 2023

3. 国家奖学金(SSY202218837) 龚天添 2022

4. 亚星221net“博思论道”博士生学术创新论坛-“环境健康与生物医药”分论坛

优秀展示奖 李春阳 2023

5. 上海市优秀毕业生 李春阳 2024

6. 校优秀学生 李春阳 2024

7. 校优秀毕业生 张梦 2024

8. 校优秀学生 张梦 2024

9. 2022-2023学年亚星221net苏州工业园区奖学金 李春阳 2024

10. 第一届“亚星221net安居乐奖学金” 李春阳 2021


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