2019.03至今 亚星221net 副教授
2015.06-2019.02 亚星221net 讲师
2013-2015年 亚星221net材料科学与工程学院 博士后
2012年 亚星221net 博士
1. Xiao, Qingyun, Huang, Xun, Chen, Yuye, Zhang, Xinying(通讯), Liu, Xiaoyan, Lu, Jingxian, Mi, Lanxin, Li, Beibei. Effects of N, N-bis (carboxymethyl)-L-glutamic acid and polyaspartic acid on the phytoremediation of cadmium in contaminated soil at the presence of pyrene: Biochemical properties and transcriptome analysis. Journal of Environmental Management, 2024, 366, 121825.
2. Zhang, Xinying, Lu, Jingxian, Gu, Panxue, Liu, Xiaoyan, Li, Beibei, Liu, Yan. The effect of biochar amendment on Cd accumulation in Bidens pilosa L: Changing Cd subcellular distribution, cell wall polysaccharide Cd-binding capacity and composition. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2024, 216, 109177.
3. Liu, Xiaoyan, Chen, Zongze, Kong, Dewen, Zhang, Xinying(通讯), Wang, Chuanhua, Wang, Yongqi. Synergistic action of Acinetobacter baumannii and Talaromyces sp.: Function of enzymes in crude oil degradation. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 201, 109144.
4. Liu, Xiaoyan, Ji, Jinghao, Zhang, Xinying(通讯), Chen, Zongze, He, Lihong, Wang, Chuanhua. Microbial Remediation of Crude Oil in Saline Conditions by Oil-Degrading Bacterium Priestia megaterium FDU301. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2024, 196(5), 2694-2712.
5. Xie, Huanhuan, Zhang, Xinying(通讯), Liu, Xiaoyan, He, Lihong, Jiao, Anxing. The isolation of benzo a pyrene-degrading strain and its cometabolic bioremediation with salicylic acid of long-term PAH-polluted soil. Land Degradation & Development, 2023, 34, 5969-5982.
6. Jiao, Anxing, Gao, Bingjie, Gao, Mingjing, Liu, Xiaoyan, Zhang, Xinying(通讯), Wang, Chuanhua, Fan, Delong, Han, Zongrui, Hu, Ziqiao. Effect of nitrilotriacetic acid and tea saponin on the phytoremediation of Ni by Sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf.) in Ni-pyrene contaminated soil. Chemosphere, 2022, 294, 133654-133654.
7. Liu, Xiaoyan, Guo, Hao, Zhang, Xinying(通讯), Zhang, Shenyu, Cao, Xinde, Lou, Ziyang, Zhang, Wei, Chen, Zhiqun. Modeling the transport behavior of Pb(II), Ni(II) and Cd(II) in the complex heavy metal pollution site under the influence of coexisting ions. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2022, 162, 211-218.
8. Liu, Xiaoyan, He, Lihong, Zhang, Xinying(通讯), Kong, Dewen, Chen, Zongze, Lin, Jia, Wang, Chuanhua. Bioremediation of petroleum-contaminated saline soil by Acinetobacter baumannii and Talaromyces sp. and functional potential analysis using metagenomic sequencing. Environmental pollution, 2022, 311, 119970.
9. Liu, Xiaoyan, Ji, Jinghao, Zhang, Xinying(通讯), Chen, Zongze, He, Lihong, Wang, Chuanhua. Microbial Remediation of Crude Oil in Saline Conditions by Oil-Degrading Bacterium Priestia megaterium FDU301. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2022, 196, 2694-2712.
10. Liu, Xiaoyan, Zhang, Shenyu, Zhang, Xinying(通讯), Guo, Hao, Cao, Xinde, Lou, Ziyang, Zhang, Wei, Wang, Chuanhua. A novel lignin hydrogel supported nZVI for efficient removal of Cr(VI). Chemosphere, 2022, 301, 134781.
11. Liu, Xiaoyan, Zhang, Shenyu, Zhang, Xinying(通讯), Guo, Hao, Lou, Ziyang, Zhang, Wei, Chen, Zhiqun. Cr(VI) immobilization in soil using lignin hydrogel supported nZVI: Immobilization mechanisms and long-term simulation. Chemosphere, 2022, 305, 135393.
12. Liu, Xiaoyan, Chen, Xintong, Zhang, Xinying(通讯), Guo, Hao, Zhang, Changsong, Zang, Xueke, Li, Beibei. Quantifying the influence of soil factors on the migration of chromium (VI). Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021, 155, 32-40.
13. Zhang, Xinying, Gu, Panxue, Liu, Xiaoyan, Huang, Xun, Wang, Jiayi, Zhang, Shenyu, Ji, Jinghao. Effect of crop straw biochars on the remediation of Cd-contaminated farmland soil by hyperaccumulator Bidens pilosa L. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 219, 112332.
14. Zhang, Xinying, Kong, Dewen, Liu, Xiaoyan, Xie, Huanhuan, Lou, Xinyi, Zeng, Cheng. Combined microbial degradation of crude oil under alkaline conditions by Acinetobacter baumannii and Talaromyces sp. Chemosphere, 2021, 273, 129666.
15. Gu, Panxue, Zhang, Yanming, Xie, Huanhuan, Wei, Jing, Zhang, Xinying(通讯), Huang, Xun, Wang, Jiayi, Lou, Xinyi. Effect of cornstalk biochar on phytoremediation of Cd-contaminated soil by Beta vulgaris var. cicla L. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 205, 111144.
16. Liu, Xiaoyan, Shen, Siyuan, Zhang, Xinying(通讯), Chen, Xintong, Jin, Ruolin, Li, Xinyi. Effect of enhancers on the phytoremediation of soils polluted by pyrene and Ni using Sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense(Piper) Stapf.). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(33), 41639-41646.
17. Zhang, Xinying, Chen, Jing, Liu, Xiaoyan, Zhang, Yanming, Zou, Yuqi, Yuan, Jingxi. Study on removal of pyrene by Agropyron cristatum L. in pyrene-Ni co-contaminated soil. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2020, 22(3), 313-321.
18. Zhang, Xinying, Su, Chang, Liu, Xiaoyan, Liu, Zhenguo, Gu, Panxue, Deng, Min, Liu, Qu. Periodical changes of dissolved organic matter (DOM) properties induced by biochar application and its impact on downward migration of heavy metals under flood conditions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 275, 123787.
19. Zhang, Xinying, Su, Chang, Liu, Xiaoyan, Liu, Zhenguo, Liang, Xia, Zhang, Yanming, Feng, Yuwei. Effect of plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria on phytoremediation efficiency of Scirpus triqueter in pyrene-Ni co-contaminated soils. Chemosphere, 2020, 241,125027.
20. Zhang, Xinying, Zhang, Yanming, Liu, Xiaoyan, Zhang, Chenying, Dong, Shaodong, Liu, Qu, Deng, Min. Cd uptake by Phytolacca americana L. promoted by cornstalk biochar amendments in Cd-contaminated soil. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2020, 22(3), 251-258.
21. Li, Beibei, Zhang, Xinying. Superhydrophobic nylon cloth coated with modified silica used for oil-water separation. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2019, 38(3), e13051.
22. Liu, Xiaoyan, Mao, Ying, Zhang, Xinying(通讯), Gu, Panxue, Niu, Yinghu, Chen, Xinlei. Effects of PASP/NTA and TS on the phytoremediation of pyrene-nickel contaminated soil by Bidens pilosa L. Chemosphere, 2019, 237, 124502-124502.
23. Zhang, Xinying, Chen, Jing, Liu, Xiaoyan, Chen, Xueping, Liu, Lu, Niu, Yinghu, Wang, Rui. The relief effects of organic acids on Scirpus triqueter L. under pyrene-lead stress. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(16), 15828-15837.
24. Zhang, Xinying, Chen, Jing, Liu, Xiaoyan, Gao, Mingjing, Chen, Xueping, Huang, Cheng. Nickel uptake and distribution in Agropyron cristatum L. in the presence of pyrene. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 174, 370-376.
25. Zhang, Xinying, Su, Chang, Liu, Xiaoyan, Liu, Zhenguo, Liang, Xia, Zhang, Yanming, Feng, Yuwei. Effect of plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria on phytoremediation efficiency of Scirpus triqueter in pyrene-Ni co-contaminated soils. Chemosphere, 2019, 241, 125027-125027.
26. Zheng, Kewen, Fan, Jiayue, Hu, Xiaoxin, Zhang, Xinying(通讯), Liu, Xiaoyan, Shen, Jiayi. Distribution by influence factors of pyrene removal in chemical enhancers assisted microbial phytoremediation of Scirpus triqueter in co-contaminated soils. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2019, 21(12), 1190-1196.
1. 张新颖,王超群,袁晓宇,苏畅,刘晓艳,文玉玲,孔德雯,谢若兰,钱香莉,张晨颖,牛应虎,刘璐. 具有水下超疏油性质复合涂层的织物网及其制备方法[P]. ZL201810145716.9
2. 张新颖,孔翎维,刘晓艳,顾泮雪,陈欣彤,沈佳怡,孔德雯,李振泉. 一种采用污泥沼渣制备绿化植物基质的方法[P]. ZL201910520400.8
1. 科技部国家重点研发计划:海陆交互带污染界面时空演化与驱动机制 子课题,2023-2026,主持
2. 科技部国家重点研发计划,污染场地土壤一地下水系统中重金属迁移扩散与预测 子课题,2018-2022,骨干参加
3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金课题:生物炭影响典型超富集植物吸收土壤Cd的作用机制, 2019-2021,主持
4. 上海市自然科学基金课题:生物炭-超富集植物联合修复Cd污染农田土壤及其作用机制,项目编号:2018-2020,主持
5. 浙江省水环境与海洋生物资源保护重点实验室开放基金课题:不同烧制温度下菠萝皮生物炭的性质及其对水溶液中Cr6+-芘的吸附性能研究, 2015-2016,主持
6. 国家博士后基金:纤维和海绵基高效吸油材料的制备及其吸油机制研究,2013-2015,主持。
7. 国家自然科学基金课题:长江中下游典型湖泊N2O产生的关键途径与微生物驱动机制研究,2018-2021,参与
8. 国家自然科学基金课题:吴淞口湿地优势植物体系协同去除石油类污染物的作用机制,2016-2019,骨干参加
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Physical pollution control engineering、Soil pollution and control、环境与绿色发展
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