





2017年博士毕业于华东师范大学,2013-2017年在中国科学技术大学李文卫教授课题组进行博士生联合培养,同年进入清华大学环境学院从事博士后/助理研究员工作,师从黄霞教授,2024年1月加入亚星221net环化学院有机复合污染研究中心(教育部重点实验室)。长期从事膜法污废水处理与资源化技术研究,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年项目、北京市自然科学基金项目、中国博士后科学基金项目等;参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金面上项目和北京市自然科学基金重点项目等10余项国家和省部级项目。共计发表SCI学术论文20余篇,包括环境领域Water Res., J. Membr. Sci., Chem. Eng. J等,申请/授权国家发明专利6件,参编专著2部,担任《中国给水排水》期刊青年编委,环境领域Water Res., ACS ES&T Water, Chem. Eng. J等Top期刊审稿人。












1. Xianzheng Zhu, Tuo Tian, Danyang Li, Shengqiang Hei, Weichen Lin, Xia Huang*. Interface interaction between silica and organic macromolecule conditioned forward osmosis membranes: Insights into quantitative thermodynamics and dynamics. Water Research. 2023, 232, 119721.

2. Xianzheng Zhu, Liven Wenhui Lee, Guangqing Song, Xian Zhang, Yue Gao, Guang Yang, Shuai Luo, Xia Huang*. Deciphering mono/multivalent draw solute-induced microbial ecology and membrane fouling in anaerobic osmotic membrane bioreactor. Water Research. 2022, 209, 117869.

3. Danyang Li, Weichen Lin, Ruipeng Shao, Yue-Xiao Shen, Xianzheng Zhu*, Xia Huang*. Interaction between humic acid and silica in reverse osmosis membrane fouling process: A spectroscopic and molecular dynamics insight. Water Research. 2021, 206, 117773.

4. Xianzheng Zhu, Longfei Wang, Feng Zhang, Liven Wenhui Lee, Jie Li, Xiaoyang Liu, Shuai Luo, Minsheng Huang, Houqi Liu*. Combined fouling of forward osmosis membrane by alginate and TiO2 nanoparticles and fouling mitigation mechanisms. Journal of Membrane Science. 2021, 622, 119003.

5. Xianzheng Zhu, Longfei Wang, Xinrong Pan, Feng Zhang, Wenwei Li, Houqi Liu*. Selective separation of volatile fatty acids, nitrogen and phosphorus from anaerobic acidogenic fermentation via forward osmosis membrane process. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023, 453, 139871.

6. Xianzheng Zhu, Feng Zhang, Wenwei Li*, Jie Li, Lingli Li, Hanqing Yu, Minsheng Huang, Tianyin Huang. Insights into enhanced current generation of an osmotic microbial fuel cell under membrane fouling condition. Journal of Membrane Science, 2016, 504, 40-46.

7. Shuai Luo#, Xianzheng Zhu#, Boya Fu, Fubin Liu, Kai He, Heng Yang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Xia Huang*. Outstanding energy reduction of nitrogen recovery by biohythane concept introduction by 3D-weaved anode network in microbial electrolysis cell. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. 2023, 188, 106644.

8. Liven Wenhui Lee, Xianzheng Zhu*, Ziwei Liu, Yue Gao, Cheng Chen, Xia Huang*. Probing the key foulants and membrane fouling under increasing salinity in anaerobic osmotic membrane bioreactors for low-strength wastewater treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2021, 413, 127450.

9. Shu Wang, Changjun Mu, Kang Xiao, Xianzheng Zhu*, Xia Huang*. Surface charge regulation of reverse osmosis membrane for anti-silica and organic fouling. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 715, 137013.

10. Xianzheng Zhu, Feng Zhang Wenwei Li*, Houqi Liu, Yunkun Wang, Minsheng Huang. Forward osmosis membrane favors an improved proton flux and electricity generation in microbial fuel cells. Desalination, 2015, 372, 26-31.

11. Ziwei Liu, Xianzheng Zhu, Peng Liang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Katsuki Kimur, Xia Huang*. Distinction between polymeric and ceramic membrane in AnMBR treating municipal wastewater: In terms of irremovable fouling. Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 588, 117229.

12. Shengqiang Hei, Hui Xu, Biming Liu, Xianzheng Zhu, Shuo Zhang, Xian Zhang, Renwei Li, Xia Huang*. Enhanced pre-treatment of sepiolite on coal gasification wastewater: Performance and adsorption mechanism. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 440, 129842.

13. Yue Gao, Zhou Fang, Cheng Chen, Xianzheng Zhu, Peng Liang ,Yong Qiu, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Xia Huang*. Evaluating the performance of inorganic draw solution concentrations in an anaerobic forward osmosis membrane bioreactor for real municipal sewage treatment. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 307,123254.

14. Xiao-Yang Liu, Yu-Bo Chen, Jie Fu, Xianzheng Zhu, Long-Yi Lv, Li Sun, Guang-Ming Zhang, Zhi-Jun Ren. A review of combined fouling on high-pressure membranes in municipal wastewater reuse: Behaviors, mechanisms, and pretreatment mitigation strategies. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2024, 485, 150135.

15. Cheng Chen#, Mingzhuang Sun#, Jiang Chang, Ziwei Liu, Xianzheng Zhu, Kang Xiao*, Guangqing Song, Hao Wang, Guoliang Liu, Xia Huang*. Unravelling temperature-dependent fouling mechanism in a pilot-scale anaerobic membrane bioreactor via statistical modelling. Journal of Membrane Science, 2022, 644, 120145.

16. Shengqiang Hei, Hui Xu, Yanchen Liu, Biming Liu, Shuo Zhang, Xianzheng Zhu, Weichen Lin, Lu Chen, Haisha Jiang, Xianwei Cheng, Xiaolei Yong, Xiaoyi Wu, Xia Huang*. Redox environment inducing strategy for enhancing biological phosphorus removal in a full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plant. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 376, 134237.

17. Shuo Zhang, Kai Yang, Wei Liu, Ying Xu, Shengqiang Hei, Jiao Zhang, Cheng Chen, Xianzheng Zhu, Peng Liang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Xia Huang*. Understanding the mechanism of membrane fouling suppression in electro-anaerobic membrane bioreactor, Chemical Engineering Journal. 2021, 418, 129384.


1. 黄霞,朱先征,马赫,刘紫微. 厌氧膜生物反应器及膜污染控制方法.发明专利, 202010592718.X.

2. 李文卫,朱先征,张锋,俞汉青. 一种正渗透膜-微生物燃料电池.发明专利, ZL 201410393376.3.

3. 黄霞,刘艳臣,朱先征,王黎声,孙铭壮,陈程. 水处理系统. 发明专利, 202110171739.9.

4. 黄霞,孙铭壮,朱先征,刘紫微. 厌氧摆动膜生物反应器. 发明专利, 202210023529.X.

5. 黄霞,宋广清,朱先征,罗昱东,黑生强. 提高制膜废水氨化率的装置、方法及应用. 发明专利, ZL 202111068074.5.

6. 黄霞,刘艳臣,王黎声,朱先征.一种基于MABR的曝气方法及装置.发明专利, 202111609710.0.

7. 黄霞,刘紫微,许晨阳,陈蓉,朱先征.铁碳复合载体及其应用.发明专利, ZL 202111602318.3.

8. 陈丽,黄民生,宋力,顾敦罡,朱先征,黄勤超,童敏. 一种底泥砖的制备方法. 发明专利, ZL 2012 1 0322843.4.


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2025/01-2028/12,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2022/01-2024/12,主持

3. 江苏省未来膜技术中心开放课题,2024/07-2025/06,主持

4. 北京市自然科学基金青年项目,2018/01-2019/12,主持

5. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2018/06-2021/06,主持

6. 国家重点研发计划项目,2016/12-2019/12,参与

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020/01-2023/12,参与

8. 北京市自然科学基金重点项目,2018/12-2021/12,参与

9. 清华大学-丰田研究院跨学科联合专项,2020/03-2022/03,参与


2021  清华大学环境学院博士后人才支持计划

2019  清华大学博士后国际学术交流计划

2017  第二届全国高等学校给排水相关专业研究成果最佳论文铜奖

2015  博士研究生国家奖学金

2014  清华大学第八届全国博士生学术论坛最佳报告奖

2014  华东师范大学优秀学生

2013  华东师范大学第二十一届“大夏杯”课外科技作品竞赛优胜奖

2012  华东师范大学优秀研究生干部

2011  华东师范大学资源与环境科学学院优秀学生

热忱欢迎环境、材料、生物、化学化工和人工智能等理工科专业优秀的本科生、硕士生和博士生加入有机复合污染控制研究团队(负责人:吴明红院士), 也竭诚欢迎专家学者和企事业单位联系我们共商合作研究事宜。

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